Some time ago I received from Wlodek SP5DDJ basic kit for building QRP transceiver Libra. This is a CW transceiver for one band (80-30m). Kit contains a PCB and some basic elements. Honestly somewhere in some box there is another kit from Wlodek - transceiver Taurus (monoband too but SSB).
Last a few months I spent on collecting all the necessary components (ordered mainly from Poland in internet shops because in the only shop with electronic components in Zurich they never hear about MC3362 or Amidon ferrits - however shop is quite good). So I ordered a few thousands of components (because usually minimal allowed amount to order was 100...) and now I have a set of parts for the rest of my life :)))
So today I started assembling thi transceiver...
Components waiting for assembling them on PCB...
BFO - VXO gives... 7.059 MHz...
VXO working ...
AF amplifier working...
And almost ready ... Almost because due to lack of some parts (wir for coils) I have to hold this works for some time...
Because nothing more could be done for Libra in this moment I started assembling ..Taurus (see next post soon).
20.05.2008 - I found wire for coils and developed coils for receiver, soldered them and ...receiver produces some noise (band was completely closed and I have noise from the city at S9 level). So receiver seems to work..
29.06.2008 - Last 2 capacitors were added to projct and some tuning done. Libra gives about 1W power output and is ready to work !
Now the worst (for me) part of this project - building some nice box...
Libra has new face...
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