The place is located on some hill aroun 15km South from Zurich. It is accessible by foot from parking in Buchenegg or from train station ... and next short journey by cable car.
It has open view to South/West, West, North/East and East. On North and South there are some hills but not much higher than that I will be operating from.
Planned antennas for this year are: buddipole in vertical configuration on the top of 10m mast:
About 60cm below there will be 3 elements small beam (Superantenna YP-3).
I will probably also use AP80 mobile antenna (instead of buddipole for 80m). Luckily it has the same mount as buddipole so will be on the top of my mast (10m).
This year maybe I will work SO2R mode (Single Operator Two Radios). Also first time I will use notebook for QSO logging with N1MM software. I will have FT847, FT817, two or three antenna tunners (one automatic), power supply (but I take batteries as well).
I will have also internet (thanks Oli!) from small box connected to some gsm network. It will be used for communication with friends as use of spots in my category is forbidden.
I will have tons of other equipement as tent, foto equipement, food, drinks, small fan :), tools, marketing papers :) (more about this later) etc.
The list of items contains almost 200 items..
Last a few evenings I spent on preparations: cables, plugs, software, batteries etc>
And effects:
If anyone would like to visit me there:
By car
By train
Please notice I will not spent too much time with you (just a few minutes) as I hope to be quite busy (Sat 14:00 / Sun 14:00)
I have prepared some printed information for potential tourists visiting my tent (it is popular place and for sure there will be many questions - as always). I may have no time for explanations (at least not in every moment)..
See below:
English version:
Dear Visitor,
Quick remark:
Unfortunately I may be too busy to introduce this interesting event. Additionally my Deutsch is "improving" but may be too weak to explain everything. If you are interested please read the information below.
I kindly ask to leave this leaflet here.
What is this ??
that what you see is participation in Amateur Radio World Championship. The rule is to have as many contacts as possible with amateurs from all over the world in period of 24h (Saturday 14:00 - Sunday 14:00). I participate in category "Very small power" - 5 Watts (a little bit more than your mobile phone).
Ham radio amateurs have their special identifiers - mine is HB9EGA (HB means Switzerland).
If you want to have more information about Amateur Radio, contests, etc please visit me on Sunday at 14:00 (English only, sorry) or visit: - Union Schweizerischer Kurzwellen Amateure - Union of Swiss short wave Amateurs
or just type "Amateur Radio" in google
So far I contacted with:
(will try to maintain list of countries here)
I kindly ask to leave this leaflet here. Thanks.
German version (thanks again Oli!):
Sehr geehrter Gast,
leider werde ich wahrscheinlich zu beschäftigt sein, um Ihnen diese interessante Veranstaltung vorzustellen. Noch dazu, dass sich mein Deutsch zwar verbessert, aber trotzdem nicht gut genug ist, alles im Detail zu erklären. Sollten Sie interessiert sein, lesen Sie bitte die Infos weiter unten.
Dürfte ich Sie bitten, diese Information hier zu belassen und nicht mitzunehmen.
Was passiert hier?
Sie sehen, dass ich an der Amateurweltmeisterschaft im Funken teilnehme. Das Ziel ist es, so viele wie möglich Kontakte mit anderen Amateurfunker auf der ganzen Welt innerhalb von 24 Stunden (Samstag 14 Uhr bis Sonntag 14 Uhr) aufzunehmen. Ich nehme in der Kategorie „Sehr kleine Leistung“ – 5 Watt teil. Das ist nur etwas mehr Leistung als das von Ihrem Mobiltelefon.
Jeder Amateurfunker hat seinen eigenen Ruf-kode, meiner ist HB9EGA, wobei HB für die Schweiz steht.
Sollten Sie mehr informationen über Amateurfunker oder dieser Weltmeisterschaft wünschen, kommen Sie doch am Sonntag um 14 Uhr vorbei (leider nur in Englisch) oder im Internet: - Union Schweizerischer Kurzwellen Amateure - Union of Swiss short wave Amateurs
oder suchen Sie einfach "Amateur Radio" in google
If possible this blog will be updated during the contest :)
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