wtorek, 14 maja 2019

IARU 2019 - preparations


As every year somewhere around mid of May I start preparations for this year IARU HF Championship Contest. I participate every year so more or less everything is ready however always trying to thing what went wrong last year and what could be improved.

The early list for this year is:
1. replace end fed antennas with something more efficient (they were worst from all my antennas)
2. maybe say "hello again" to vertical delta on 40m. somehow this antenna intrigues me. or maybe this time horizontal delta for 40m?
3. have full size dipole on 80m
4. have vertical for 40m - either separate or as additional element on vertical for 80m
5. review spiderbeam as many elements unglued from the pipes and needed to be fixed with tape.


With the new FAA-450 Antenna Analyzer I have checked the coaxial cables I have. All the thick cables (RG-213, Aircell-7) show loss around 1db however the 50m of H155 shows around 4db! Seems not fantastic especially as I participate in the QRP what means that some percentage of the outgoing poor 5w goes into heat instead of being radiated by the antenna. This cable is much longer than needed so maybe I will split it into two 20 and 30m pieces. Or maybe just replace by some better coax. Anyway adding this into list of things "todo".


Today decided to test my GP antenna - especially that required some improvements and I want to be sure that still works...

The results (15w) seem to be very good:


So, probably have the final list of antennas for this year:

Higher bands - 20..10m

1. Spiderbeam
2. NEW 5/8 for 20m - may let me to hear some stations when Spiderbeam looks somewhere else

Lower bands - 160-40
1. GP for 80 & 40m on 18m mast
2. NEW dipole for 80m (must decide which direction)
3. NEW 2 x vertical deltas for 40m (crossed on 1 mast)
4. a 40m dipole as one element of the Spiderbeam

Still considering usage of the Windom antenna however the general rule is to use monobanders.

So will need 6 separate cables and 2 antenna switches.


Farmer visited.
Field is available for me :)
Many thanks Herr Müller!!!

In the evening I have built 5/8 for 20m. First experiments tomorrow. Fingers crossed.


Antena tested (see separate entry on the blog). Not bad :)


4 days to contest...
Antennas ready - but the final list is here:
1. spiderbeam with 40m dipole
2. GP for 40 & 80m
3. Inverted V for 40 & 80m (on one balun)
4. Vertical delta for 40m
5. 5/8 for 20m
6. Windom (tuner from HB9BXE, antenna built)

Now charging the batteries, preparing cables, laptop, software, etc etc..